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Tokyo Magnitude Ep 8

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Taking place where Yuuki had suddenly fallen unconscious. Mari runs to get help where Yuuki can be treated at a hospital. Horrified and tired Mirai keeps on visualizing Yuuki dead in her nightmares. This happens twice, though the second time she wakes up she finds herself outside resting on bedrolls and looked to the one beside her, where her brother's bag rested. Getting up she searches for her brother, where she finds him playing soccer with some other children. She calls him over and tells him not to leave her side and to continue to rest, even though the doctor said it was alright for him to run again. The two of them talk and share fits of laughter. Mirai also shares her nightmare how she thought he had died. They then get up to return to Mari, while Mirai tells him to promise her that whenever he is having the slightest pain, or he isn't feeling well, tell her immediately.

Elsewhere Mari listens to the news about her home, and is suddenly called by the receptionist to receive her documents that she had requested. When she returns to where Mirai was previously resting and then takes Yuuki's backpack in search for them. Eventually she finds them and they start off again to return to their journey back home. Mirai decides to carry Yuuki's backpack since she wants him to rest. She remarks how it's surprisingly heavy.

While walking through the park, Mirai notices how Mari is acting usual, and decides to try and reassure her by telling her that her family is waiting for her back at home safely. Mari wipes her eyes and thanks Mirai and asks if she wants her to carry the backpack. Mirai refuses since she said that Yuuki was able to carry it, and that she's his sister. She then runs off to catch up to Yuuki leaving Mari behind with an uncertain expression on her face and follows after her.


My god this episode was driving me insane, freaking me out, making me sit at the edge of my seat desperately waiting to see if Yuuki was alright or not. It was so nerve-wracking not knowing if Yuuki was alive or not. I was freaking out because I couldn't tell whether it was a dream or not. And when Mirai started acting a bit out of character, I was starting to wonder if she was pretending that he was actually alive - or maybe he isn't...I'm still confused.
Mari knows something that she hasn't told the children yet, I don't know what it is, but I'm starting to worry whether she found out that their parents are actually dead, or that her mother and daughter are not alright, or even possibly that Yuuki is dead and Mirai is facing illusions since she doesn't want to believe it. Either way, I'm looking forward for the next episode. I'm hoping that Mari's family is alright. It'd be devastating if they aren't. Mirai character has changed drastically - though I'm not sure if this is because, (like I just said) she is pretending that Yuuki isn't dead.

There was something that made me concerned about this; especially since when Mari went to where Mirai was previously resting, she called out Mirai's name alone, not Yuuki's. And this happened twice.
And Mari is also acting strangely. She's too quite, and I don't remember seeing her smile (other that the nightmares moments). There's something going on, and I'm not comfortable with what the answer could be.


Unknown said...

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Anime Girl

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